
实例解析GRE写作易犯错误 难词长句应量力而行

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在GRE写作考试的准备过程中,相信各位考生都会参考研究一些黄金、高分范文,学习其中优秀的写作技巧和方法,也许还会为那些炫技般华丽无比的遣词造句所陶醉。当然,学习他人的经验,充实自身写作水平不失为一个快速提高的好办法,但对于那些在实际运用中让你并没有太大把握的难词长句,大家还应量力而行。下面就通过一篇实例作文的批改为大家解析一下。 作文题目:To understand the most important characteristics of a society, one must study its major cities.
Foreigners may, largely, are willing to realize a society through staying and researching its major cities, but this does not follow that the only representation of a society is major cities.(Foreigners usually understand a society as they living in the major cities, studying them at the same time. However, actually, the major cities, in most cases, cannot represent a certain society in every respect.)Likewise, countryside also plays an important role as a symbol of some societies (in the society), especially for those developed countries.
Indeed, there are numerous people living in major cities nowadays. To some degree, by observing citizens’ daily behavior,those who are not familiar with the society probably learn some respects of the society. To be specific, a normal citizen’s work time can (may) represent the portion of the society timetable; the prominent and grandiose buildings are also the symbol(单复数不统一) of the society. Accordingly, studying major cities has becoming(这个时态太过繁琐,只要用一般现在是就可以了)the cordial option of recognizing(understanding)the authentic and diverse milieu (authenticity and diversity)of a society.

However, the number of the major cities is only the small part of a whole society(the number of cities in the whole society). Hypothetically, the first place that a tourist arrives in America is New York. How is he about to probe the core of the society of America by visiting and penetrating New York?(How can he understand the society of …)The answer is that it is impossible for him to realize(understand)the whole society just with (by) the means of studying New York. After all, the environment of New York, phenomenon of prosperity, is not existed throughout the overall America(is not the same as that in other places in US). Still, every government of developed countries will do its best to promote the progress of major cities for moulding glamorous image of its country. Meanwhile, mainstreams of a country, as basic channel which foreigners try(主谓不一致)to explore the social phenomenon, are more likely to propagandize and transmit news about major cities but ignore the small and medium-sized cities or countryside due to relatively their lower profit and value of information(句子结构混乱,应该写成两句到三句话,而不是一整个长句).

Besies, for most countries, countryside is the crucial determinant of a society(to the society). The tempo of living and working in village is quite lower in contrast with(compare to that in)major cities, and the essence of a society can be retained without bustle and noisy vibe.(这里是一个新的句子不应该用逗号)There are over 700 million farmers in contemporary China, for instance, and they have kept the austere, frugal and regular traditional condition of life for a long time, so that they avoid influence of burgeon of world as much as possible. Such idyllic tranquility can lead a stranger to feel and think deeply about the society which is (这个从句用在这里先行词就成了society,与作者想表达的意思不一致了)the major cities can’t provide to him. During the process of communicating with the local people, the kind-hearted behavior and candor words are so impressed and represent the virtue of Chinese advocating.
As people interest in understanding exotic societies absolutely, visiting and penetrating both major cities and villages(countryside)is(are)the most judicious(wise) way to grasp it.(结尾过于简单,好的结尾应该是总结全文的观点,然后加一句总结句。这个结尾只有总结句,太过草率。但是如果考试时间不够,没办法的情况下,可以像本文这样。)

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本文标题:实例解析GRE写作易犯错误 难词长句应量力而行 - GRE作文_GRE范文

