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想要在GRE作文部分的考试中写出优秀的文章,论据素材是重要的一环。好的论据不仅能帮助你支撑观点,加强说服力,还能体现出考生在阅读量上的积累和深厚扎实的语言功底基础。特别是ISSUE作文,更是需要大量好素材作为储备,才能保证考生无论遭遇那种题目,都能游刃有余地完成一篇高分作文的写作。小编为大家整理了GRE ISSUE作文各类题目的精品优质素材,一起来看吧。


The technology revolution is upon us. In the past, there have been many triumphs in the world of technology. To this date, people are able to communicate over thousands of miles with the greatest of ease. The Internet connects nearly 400 million users worldwide and is an essential part of how we work, play, communicate, and conduct commerce. We use the Internet in ways that seemed unimaginable in the past.

The Internet provides convenience for people to learn at home. Internet based training has become a common business tool used to gain advancements in current jobs. Tutoring over the Internet is also available. Business on the Internet is a growing technology. Business on the Internet has no geographic boundaries; it has access to more consumers. Approximately 150 businesses join the Internet every day. There is less labor force needed and it is open 24 hours a day. The Internet is also a bigger and cheaper way to advertise. In the past 20 years, the Internet has changed a number of areas in society, especially the business world. In the last 40 years, the Internet has gone from a method of defense communication for the government, to a business venture for an entrepreneur or a fortune 500-company. The Internet is a way for gaining consumers, products and capital for a business.


In a world of light-speed data transmission, any individual with little training and expertise can

make a fortune from the Internet. Many companies, like or eBay, thrive from business done through Internet transactions. As computer technology progresses, data transmission becomes faster, and as high level encryption becomes available for public use, the amount of Internet consumers also grows. Technology advances also allow employees to work at home faster and safer. A manager’s first challenge is to create a presence on the web. With a phone line, computer, and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) authoring tools, a business can advertise or do business over the Internet. HTML authoring tools can be freeware, like Sausage Software’s Hot Dog, or advanced and expensive utilities like Microsoft Front Page. Any computer user familiar with a word processor can effectively use these applications with minimal training. Putting the HTML and graphic files on an Internet service provider’s(ISP) servers is sufficient for relatively low traffic sites. Some online businesses, like, handle hundreds of thousands of people, or hits, every day. They require specialized hardware and cabling to control the vast amount of traffic on their site per day.


The Internet is not a substitute for real human interaction as a means for emotional and social fulfillment. The use of the Internet can be both highly entertaining and useful, but if it causes too much disengagement from real life, it can also be harmful. Until the technology evolves to be more beneficial, people should moderate their use of the Internet and monitor the uses to which they put it. While there are clear benefits to virtual communities formed around infocommunication networks, a balance should be maintained and social isolation minimized.


The Internet and the ICT revolution have created “sovereign individuals”— individuals who are empowered because they have access to new learning opportunities; are able to sell their own ideas, services or products directly to others; and can access medical information to make their own choices about health care. These sovereign individuals also have reliable and up-to-date information about government policies and programs that allows them to become better citizens.

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