
巧用Even if句型拿高分 你不可不知的GRE写作小窍门

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这个技巧的名字是even if。

这个技巧的关键就在于,你的写作结构要直接突出最重要的重点,要把这个重点一开始就摆出来。基本上来说,这样一来,你在之后的行文当中就能有条不紊的一步一步展开自己的各个观点。先以让步even if的方式提出一个点,然后再摆出自己的观点。这样一来,在陈述自己的论点的时候就能尽可能多的减少和避免一切可能存在的潜在问题。


如何将even if用于issue写作?点击这里

如何将even if用于argument写作?

Argument文章是能够将even if这个句型最大发挥价值的地方。在进行argument写作的时候,每次在阐述一个观点的时候,就能接下去用even if接下去:“even if thatproblem were handled, there would still be another problem underneath." 就好像如果苹果上烂了一个口子,你只要找到这个烂的地方,把它切掉,是不会影响整个苹果的,依然吃起来很可口。


The Mayor of Janesville has proposed a plan to help stimulate sales for small businesses in the town’s downtown shopping district. He proposes that Janesville provide tax breaks to businesses who want to move their operations to Janesville. The tax breaks, the Mayor reasons, will motivate businesses to move to Janesville, which will help to grow the downtown shopping district, attracting customers and their spending dollars.


• Will tax breaks make businesses want to move?

• Will businesses necessarily offer shopping?

• Will businesses grow the downtown shopping district?

• Does the mayor want to help the current small businesses? Or any?

• Will customers be attracted to the businesses that come?


• We don’t know if tax breaks motivate businesses to uproot.
• Even if they do, we don’t know if these tax breaks will be large enough to be motivating.
• Even if they are large enough to be attractive, we don’t know if they outweigh the costs or disadvantages of moving to Janesville.
• Even if they are enough to drive businesses to Janesville, we don’t know if these businesses offer shopping.
• Even if they do offer shopping, we don’t know if they will open downtown.

大家有没有发现,这个结构的精妙之处?用这样的结构,当我们提出一个论点的时候,就能直接引出这个点可能不一定准确,然后不管这个点,而说其他的点。但是,精妙的在于,即便读者们一开始可能对以上的前7个点都反对,最后还是不得不同意我的观点。用even if结构,你在写文章的时候观点会表达的更清晰,更有逻辑层次感,并且你的行文论证将更加有说服力。

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