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    Schools should teach children academic subjects which will be useful in their future careers.
  Subjects like music and sports are not useful. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  开头: 表达观点,音乐体育很重要
  1 体育很重要
  2 音乐很重要
  3 不能否认主课的重要性
  1 转述原文
  The issue of whether children are supposed to study subjects like music and sports in school is of great interest to the general public.
  2 观点
  From my point of view, these subjects are of great significance to students.   
  In the first place, it is wise for students to have PE class.
  P1: Sports course could strengthen your physical health. (身体原则)
  S: 因果论证Due to fierce competitiveness, students in high schools have to absorb in large amount of information during each class. In order to catch up with others or better understand what they have learned, a great many students tend to sacrifice their break, indulging themselves in homework for a whole day and totally neglecting their physical health. In this way, PE classes, during which every student is asked to do some exercise, do serve a function in strengthening their physical soundness.
  P2: Sports course could also relieve pressure of the students. (心理原则)
  S: 实验法
  According to a recent survey conducted by the University of Suzhou on students in Xinhai Middle school, three out of five students expressed that they really felt a little relaxed after appropriate outdoor exercise. Moreover, a majority of them expressed that they considered PE as a golden opportunity to recharge their battery.   
  P: In the second place, music will definitely benefit people both intelligently and emotionally.
  According to some research, those children who often listen to classic music, such as that by Beethoven or Chicovski or Mozart, tend to develop better intelligence. What is more important, listening to music helps to alleviate the boredom in a routine life and get one refreshed and high in spirit.   
  中间第三段 主课的重要性 (以数学做范例)――
  P: On the other hand, academic subjects like mathematics enjoy their own edges. Specifically, mathematics is essential for a person both in terms of his or her personality and in practical ways.
  For one thing, one’s ability in logical and abstract thinking can be greatly developed when he or she is practicing math questions and it is clear that a logical mind will be preferred, whether it is in academic research or in businesses or one’s daily life. For another, mathematics is the foundation for a variety of social sciences, such as economics, finance, even psychology. In that case, a good mastery of mathematics is vital for one’s future success in the relevant fields.   
  All in all, despite the significance of academic subjects, it is still sensible for schools to include music and sports into their curriculum for physical as well as mental health of students.

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