
雅思写作辅导:Punishments to criminals

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For hundreds of years long, criminals are restrained all day long in prisons as punishment. But today, some new punishments, such as labor intensive work and educational reform, have partly taken the place of previous captivity. The means of punishment is no longer restricted to a jail.

Before talking about the essential role of punishments to criminals, you have to think about the meaning, and the purpose, of any kind of punishment. If you consider that the purpose is to prevent the guilty from being nasty again, you can easily be seduced by an argumentation in favor of the suppression of lengthy jail terms

Of course, sending a criminal to a jail is the safest way for administrators to manage prisoners, and also the most rigorous way of punishing a criminal. Criminals are always highly related to the thieves, robbers, rappers, or who are extremely aggressive and harmful to innocent civilians. Once put them in the public before they are totally reformed, an unpredictable vicious result is probably to happen innocent lives may be threatened and private properties may be endangered. That’s why most people strongly insist criminals should be jailed in prison.

But some people think that the law is far too soft on offenders, and it should be allowed to be much harder on serious offenders. Some people even propose that it is too expensive locking rapists and murderers up, putting them to death wouldn‘t be expensive, and it would result in a 0% re-offending rate. The world would be a far better place. And less of our money would go toward supporting those being incarcerated. Because they think that some criminals are just bad and not reformable. The law is always thinking of the criminal instead of the victim. It‘s not right.

However, there are some alternatives that can provide criminals a chance to contribute back to our society, while dangerous risks are restricted at an extremely low level. That is what is prevailing in modern prisons―criminals are still kept in the prison, but are allowed to work and study out of their jails during the daytime. It is certainly much more profitable for both criminals and our society. In one hand, in criminals’ prison lives, they learn the experiences of a specified work and the knowledge of how to be a good man, which would help them revive and lead a normal life. In other hand, criminals’ productive work will do contribute to the local productivity, and ever help to propel the booming economic.

Therefore, I believe the combination of the previous captivity and the present labor-reformation is the best solution of punishing criminals. In this way, criminals would get what they deserve, and begin a new life, also our society can get reimbursed form those criminals.

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