

阅读 :


  A.【bar graph/column graph直方图】【pie chart/饼状图】【line graph/曲线图】

  【solid line/实线】【break line/虚线】【dot line/点状线】

  【show/indicate/outline/illustrate】the general pattern of …

  B.【number/rate/percentage/figure】of …【rise/fall/increase/decrease/shoot up/decline】

  【dramatically/sharply/steadily/slightly/drastically/gradually】from in to in

  1. 描述曲线: 【reach its peak/top/bottom/valley】【】【remain the same】

  【level off/taper off】【fluctuate wildly/mildly】

  2. 数据升降:lose it attraction/become a general favorite

  3. 同向变化:The trend continues through out the graph.

  4. 事物归类:be categorized under 10 headings/be divided into 10 stages

  5. 两张图表: the first piece of data/ the second set of date

  6. 数据下降:10 percent of people preferred to do A in 1200, but only 5 percent of people stuck to the same preference in 1300.

  7. 最低数据:Each year/month, there were at least 5 people involved in …

  8. 数据接近:The year 1200 saw the least difference between A and B.

  9. 数据关联:To sum up, the relation ship between A and B appear (inversely) proportional.

  10. 数据组成:The total number is 100. Of this figure, 10 are A, 20 are B and 70 are C. Therefore, C accounts for the greatest number.

  11. 数据对比:A occupies only 5%, which stands in marked contrast to the 95% of B


  A. People’s preference for bicycle reflects public dissatisfaction with bus service.

  B. From the difference between... , we can see the changes in our society and…

  C.It appears that XXX directly affects the

  D. Obviously, people’s inclination to go out contributes to the decrease.


  A.There might be a tendency of decreasing in the future.

  B.The tendency would be continuing because…

  Over the period from 1200 to 1300, the trend was towards a decrease in A, while there was an upward trend in B. There was a dramatic fall in A from 1205. However, from the year 1230 on, the rate of decrease slowed down and there was a more gradual reduction in A, reaching a figure of 10,000 in 1270. The number in B rose steadily, reaching 2000 in 1210, to a peak of 4000 in 1290.


  A. It is 10 in 1200, but 30 in 1300,increased three times.

  B. From just 100 in 1200 to over 4 times this amount in 1300.


  A.  In 1200, increase was spectacular, compared with 1300.

  B.  A shows the greatest increase. B also shows an increase but it’s not as dramatic.


  A. 不可能写的很好,关键是要很稳地写清楚。

  B. 概括一些内在关联性或原因推测作为总结。

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