

阅读 :

  When people about to purchase goods, advertisements sway their choices, which might be misleading.


  以上所讨论的是句间的遥远指代,遥远指代的偏误还可能存在于段落之间。例如在一段开头就直接出现了it is…,用这个it指代上一个段落出现的某个词或者句子,这样的错误在学生的作文当中也经常出现。


  Traditional foodsare very important. Traditionalfoods are symbols of nations and cultures.

  其实此处第二次出现的traditional foods可以用they来替代。不停重现名词其实是一种无能力运用代词的体现,这样的说话风格很像老奶奶的裹脚布,又臭又长,颇有《大话西游》中唐僧的味道。中 华 考 试 网


  Medical care and education are cornerstones of the society, because it is needed by both youngsters and adults.


  Doctors are not able to control themselves'profitable activities.

  反身代词运用错误,应该把themselves改为their own.

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