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  雅思写作高分语法结构分析1. 状语前置



  1) Like self-awareness, this is also very difficult to achieve, but I think these are the two factors that may be the most important for achieving happiness.

  2) Throughout the century, the largest quantity of water was used for agricultural purposes.

  3)With a population of 176 million, the figures for Brazil indicate how high agricultural water consumption can be in some countries.




  1)。 Universities, when it is functioning well, should offer both theoretical knowledge as well as professional training.

  2)。 So overall, I believe that, attending school from a young age is good for most children.


  雅思写作高分语法结构分析2. 倒装句



  1)。 The parents should spend time on their children, they should also communicate with them.

  2)。 We can never lose sight of the significance of education.


  1)。 Not only should parents spend time on their children, they are also advised to interact with them.

  2)。 On no account / by no means / in no way can we lose sight of the significance of education.


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