

阅读 :

  如:Should the amount of advertising on TV be increased or decreased?
  Nowadays many people discuss whether we need …or not。
  Now whether…. has become a very hot debate in society。
  As far as this topic is concerned, different people have different opinions. Some people think that ……Others believe that …... I think both views have their reasons。
  Recently the ... has been brought into focus ... Nowhere in history has the issue been more visible. In this essay, I aim to explore this complicated phenomenon from diverse perspectives, identify the relevant contributing factors and bring up some effective measures。
  一个paragraph一个idea;避免过多examples, esp personal examples.;段落间的平衡
  避免idioms, famous sayings
  避免poetic language
  Explain your point…then explain it again in a different way
  Use “a mix of longer and short sentences”

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