

阅读 :

  The contentious issue in the domain of sociology in the past mainly concentrated on postnatal nurture and congenital element still has been steeped in controversy nowadays. The key point of it is, which factor has top priority in personal growth and progress. On the strength of compelling and convincing research and evidence, I prefer the former. This essay will outline the following reasons.

  In the first place, environment and parents enlightenment play utmost and crucial roles in children’s personalities and further development. When they are young, they often unconsciously imitate parents’ behaviors. As prevailing Chinese slang says, “Better unborn than unbred”, which connotes that parents should strengthen the supervision over and education of kids. After accepting education in school, their identities and ideas are deeply affected by diverse instruction system and even distinguishing courses. For instance, students of science are apt at logical thinking, while students of arts are inclined to thinking in image. Granted that it happens to identical twins, their behaviors are not genetic because life has presented them with different opportunities.

  In the second place, one with innate intellect uncertainly becomes a genius insomuch as his success owes much to his capabilities and arduous efforts. Take an instance of Charlotte Bronte’s brother who was quite bright during his childhood. Only did he depend on his superior intellect, so that neglected his study. Finally he became an idle person, while his sister became a famous author as a result of hard study. Even Albert Einstein said, “A genius is that kind of person with 99 percent diligence plus 1 percent intelligence.” Apparently, his success is not so much by talent as by strenuous work.

  In conclusion, no one can choose his nature, but one can be successful after striving for himself and being well educated. Moreover, no one can be triumphant only relying on his genes. Namely, nurture passes nature.

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