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  “兴利除弊”应该是一种比较简单的折衷方案,在优缺点类文章中特别常用。即在分析完考题所涉及事物的优缺点之后,在结尾段提出“优缺点都有,我们要兴利除弊”这样的折衷方案。例如以下考题:The advantages brought by the spread of English as a “global language” will outweigh the disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?


  To sum up, it is difficult to tell whether or not the advantages outweigh the disadvantages regarding the spread of English as a global language. What we may have to consider is how to accept this trend as positive while at the same time staying away from its drawbacks.

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本文标题:2016年雅思写作议论文观点兴利除弊法 - 雅思作文_雅思写作_雅思范文


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