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  Task:In some countries, more and more adults are continuing to live with their parents even after they have completed education and found jobs. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

  Sample answer:

  Nowadays, an increasing number of adults choose to live with their parents after finishing their academic tasks and finding jobs. The overall effect of this phenomenon is negative, although the younger generation can get much help from their parents.

  It is widely acknowledged that living with parents contributes to relieve young adults’ strains and stresses. They bear great pressure from their work and study, and are not willing to adapt to an independent life. The parents, especially the retired adults, are always ready to prepare everything for their children, helping them to concentrate on their work. In addition, young people can learn much experience from their parents who are more experienced in dealing with interpersonal relationships and career development. As a new comer in the working arena, the young generation are too naïve to manage their various challenges. Undoubtedly, it is of great value for them to live with their parents.

  On the other hand, continuing to live with parents will unavoidably cause some conflicts. Growing up in two different times, the views and lifestyles between these two generations are less likely to be the same. With the passage of time, the family bond will be alienated. What’s worse, if the adults lead a life with parents for a long time, they are particularly likely to have a sentimental attachment to their parents excessively. It will be increasingly difficult for them to start a new life when their parents cannot provide help any longer. It is detrimental for forming a new family in the future.

  When considering the effects of living with parents on young generation, we can conclude that this lifestyle is not universally suitable for every individual. As to most young people, they had better to live independently in order to keep a harmonious relation with parents and a balance between work and life.

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