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Example 1:

Advertising encourages people to buy in quantity rather than promoting its quality. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

考生拿到这个题目,首先要读三遍,理解题目本质的含义。广告的本质之一其实就是帮助卖家(selling agencies)或者厂商(manufactures)提升产品知名度(increase the brand reputation),从而打开市场(explore the wider markets), 提升产品的销售额(boost the sales rates),怂恿或者引领消费者购买更多的产品(encouraging and leading the consumers to spend their salaries to purchase large quantities of products),所以考生从正面来回答(agree)的话,就可以从以上这些角度来入手,写起来应该不难。
考生必须要知道厂商或者销售商是付钱给广告商的(advertisement agencies receive payment from manufacturers),如果人们买得多,对广告商本身也有好处。而且广告本身是没有义务(duty)或者责任(responsibility)去促进提升产品质量的,他们只是负责帮助宣传产品、拓展市场,只要赢得消费者眼球就可以了(help promote goods and explore the markets, win the customer’s eyeballs).

从反面讲(disagree)广告其实有时候也能促进产品的质量,我们可以这样想,一旦广告把产品放大在消费者眼中,如果消费者因为看了广告以后买了产品,却不理想或者质量很差(unsatisfied or inferior commodities),那么顾客就会到消费者保障局(consumer protection bureau)或者厂商这里投诉产品的质量,那些真正想扩大市场或者站稳脚跟的厂商有可能会引起重视(be highly alert to it),从而让研发人员加大改善质量的力度(improve the products), 或者推出新的高质量(high-quality)产品,保证公司的知名度和品牌声誉(guarantee the brand and reputation of their company),所以广告从某些程度上讲也可以促进产品的质量或者监督产品(supervision).


There is an increasing number of people who do not know their neighbors, what causes this situation? How to solve?

这是一道典型的report的题目,注意report的文章如果题目没有问你的想法是什么。如果同学们平时看报纸的话,就会发现其实这道题目是非常常见的社会类话题,可以从这几个方面入手:第一,现代人生活节奏快(quick-paced life),压力大(heavy pressure),平时人们一般早出晚归,很少有时间和邻居打交道(Go out early and come back at dusk, seldom having time socialize with their neighbors)。
第二,现代社会复杂度比以前社会高,犯罪率也在上升(modern society is much complicated and unpredictable than the former one, the crime rate is also soaring),所以人的警觉性比较高(citizens are more alert and vigilant),不愿和陌生人来往,怕引起不必要的麻烦(they are reluctant to get alone with the strangers to avoid some unnecessary troubles)。

第三,现在社会的人们都住在高楼大厦里面(contemporary people living in skyscrapers),不像以前人们住在矮的平房或者里弄里(living in bunglow and lanes in the past days),或者同一个小社区(little community)。
第四,以前人们比较注重亲情和人之间的交往(in the past, people highlight the personal relationship and interpersonal communication with neighbor),现代人比较喜欢窝在家里上网,利用高科技和人们交流和沟通(modern people just stay at home surfing on the internet and chat with their friends through high technology in the virtual world).

解决方法:政府可以多建立一些公共场所让小区的人们在这里健身和休闲,从而相互认识和了解,比如政府可以在community里修建公共广场和公园(public square, parks),小区物业委员会也可以多组织各种家庭活动、聚餐或者社区活动(the community property council can organize more family activities, parties and home dinners for some families, arrange community group activities)。这样小区居民也会多见面,增加交流机会和加强邻里之间的友谊纽带(increase the conversation opportunities and strengthen the friendship ties among the neighbors).


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