

阅读 :

很多雅思考生考场时写作自我感觉良好,7分不在话下,但成绩出来后是重重的打脸。有人哭嚷着运气不佳,考官有眼无珠,反正就是要复议了。其实,可能只是你会错了意,以为是情投意合,其实是同床异梦。说直白点,就是你跑题了。能理解鸡同鸭讲的感觉么?那就是考官看到你的跑题作文的感觉。只能说,童鞋你题目要求没好好理解清楚,写的时候完全意识流的文章,感觉卷面满满字数就以为万事大吉了,然后考试费就这样白交了。雅思写作大作文(TASK2)写作说明(instruction)很固定,除了通常标为斜体字的题目(statement+ question)部分外,作文题目的格式几乎一成不变。但这个看似固定的题目说明却“暗藏玄机”, 如果不搞清楚,考生的作文极有可能因为达不到要求而丢分。我们通过一道雅思作文真题,来看看雅思大作文写作说明的“玄机”在哪。


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people think parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your own knowledge or experience.


透过上面方框中的真题的“题目说明” (instruction)我们可以看出:

1 须在40分钟内完成大作文。因为要审题,构思检查,真正写作过程可能只有35分钟。

2 论证自己的观点时,可适当举例,但所有的例子应贴近考生的知识和经验。

3 字数应该超过250词,270词左右,因为抄自题目的单词不被计入总字数。

4 雅思大作文属于控制性写作,课后多练,达到很高的熟练度,获得高分才有可能。

二, 如何快速审清题目?


1 划出关键词汇(key terms),确定主题。本题主题为教育类的教师作用问题。

2 理解写作核心(focus),引出思路。本题核心为老师还是父母教孩子做人。

3 看清题目问法(question),明确要求。本题为Argumentation, 需有自己的观点。

三, 关于学术文体的说明

雅思大作文属于学术英语写作的范畴,和一般的文学写作有区别。雅思官网的学习中心也特意提到,考生要写semi-formal style 的作文。 这种半正式的学术体的基本特点是:

1 客观冷静的叙述风格(impersonal style )

A 多用被动语态语态 - the passive voice, 请对比:

Active voice: The authors suggest:

Passive voice: It is suggested ....(雅思作文常用句式)

B 多用第三人称而非第1人称 - the third person rather than the first person ( it rather than I or we ) , 请对比:

First person : I assumed that ....

Third person: It was assumed that .....( 雅思作文常用句式)

2 正式的词汇 (Formal vocabulary)

雅思官网给出的一段话: Formal English uses more complex vocabulary than everyday speech. Examples are multi-syllable words like compensate, ascend and interrogate. It also prefers one-part verbs (e.g. Establish ) instead of simpler, phrasal verbs (e.g. Set up). Slang and colloquial vocabulary are avoided. 这段话说明,同样是“上升” 和“开始”用多音节的 ascend 和 commence,而不是 rise 和 start这种单音节词。再者俚语和口语是要肯定避免的。

3 长而复杂的句式 (longer complex sentence)

再看雅思给出的例子:To discuss problems with parents is difficult. Other family member might be able to listen more sympathetically and give advice.这两句虽有联系,但句子之间零散无充分衔接手段,意义表达不清,非学术语言。应该写成: It is difficult to discuss problems with parents, whereas other family members might be able to listen more sympathetically and give advice.

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本文标题:雅思写作的审题:你欺骗了我,还一笑而过 - 雅思作文_雅思写作_雅思范文

