

阅读 :

Task:The proportion of male and female smokers in Someland from 1960 to 2000.



1. 两条线,建议每条线一段;

2. 每条线的描述请参考经典折线写法(在数据库里有,详见《单线 指导写法》);

3. 关键性数据不可少,如最大值,最小值等;

4. 本文用到了线段之间的对比关系,如文中的: 6 times of 和 smallest difference with,这些都是加分项.


The chart compares the rate of smoking in men and women in Someland between 1960 and 2000. Overall, the proportion of smoking for both is currently declining and fewer women smoked throughout the period.

Initially, the peak of male rate was reached in 1960, when it was 600 in every 1000, over 6 times of that of females. This number then decreased gradually to 500 by 1975 and continued to decrease but more steeply to 250 by 2000, which had the smallest difference with the level of women.

Oppositely, the rate of smoking in women in 1960 was the lowest at only 90 in every 1,000. By 1965 this increased to 180, followed by a sharper rise to 320 by 1975. The rate of female smokers then remained stable at 320 until 1980 at which point the figure began to decline and ended up at 200 by 2000.

In conclusion, the rate of smoking in men dropped straightly throughout the whole period while the figure of women smokers went through a fluctuation.

(172 words)

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