

阅读 :

The charts shows the reasons why undergraduates and postgraduates choose to go to Parker University Describe the difference and compare them if possible.

经典传送门:考官simon 9分写作范文共28篇大赏



这是一篇饼状静态图,描述了本科生和研究生各自因为什么因素选择Parker University。首段,改写题目。接下来主体段,因为两个图之间并无直接联系,所以分开写。第一个主体段写本科生为什么选择这个学校,注意比较各种因素之间的大小关系,笔者按照从大到小排列,并运用了一些连接词,比较了各个因素之间的大小差异。第二个主体段思路相似,也是要比较为什么研究生选择这个学生,但注意在比较的过程中句式的变化。最后一段总括,比较两个图,揭示无论是是本科生和研究生,reputation of university都是他们选择这个学校的最主要的原因。


The pie charts give information about the causes of why undergraduates and postgraduates decide to attend Parker University.

From the first pie chart, we can see that reputation of university is the primary reason with 35% of undergraduates voting this factor, which is followed by the figure for cost (24%). By contrast, fewer undergraduates (18%) attend Parker University because of personal recommendation and only a small number of undergraduates make the decision based on location (8%), other (8%) and availability of accommodation (7%).

Regarding to the second pie chart, it shows that most postgraduates (42%) consider reputation of university as the main reason of their decision and fewer postgraduates (32%) choose Parker University because of cost. In comparison with these two factors, the figures for all the other factors (availability of accommodation, personal recommendation, location and other) are considerably small at around 7%.

To sum up, reputation of university is the prime consideration when undergraduates and postgraduates choose Parker University.

(160 words)原创来自小站范砚秋老师

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