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Task:In the past, the role of teacher was to provide information. Today, students have access to wide sources of information. There is, therefore, no role of teacher in modern education. Do you agree or disagree? 教师在现代教育中无用?


To sum up, although the advent of modern technology brings about ample information for students, students require more direction in terms of standard of upright conduct and social skills, so the role of teacher is less likely to be replaced.


Therefore, while the digital age has had some good influence to the younger generation,when it comes to education, teachers are and will always be playing the leading role.


So, in terms of knowledge-based education, the Internet and other sources do facilitate our access to information (though sometimes inaccurate and incomplete), yet when it comes to experience-based education, which I think is more essential, there is always an important role for the teacher to play.


To sum up, teachers still function as a crucial source of information, considering their authoritative knowledge, systematic ways of teaching, and practical skills.

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