

阅读 :


The environmental problem in the world can not be solved by ordinary people, and governments and large companies should be responsible for this problem. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 环境问题个人是无法解决的,只有企业和国家才能解决,是否同意?




1. 国家可以采取环保政策,加强环保合作,分享环保经验。对于破坏环境的企业和个人加大处罚力度。

2. 企业,尤其是高度污染的企业(例如汽车厂,造纸厂,化工厂),应该依赖高科技,减少对于环境的污染。例如,汽车生产企业可以研发和推广新型环保汽车,这些汽车具有小排量,低消耗,电瓶驱动等特征。


1. 个人可以减少对于高科技产品的使用,具体来说,减少家用电器使用的频率。(例证:空调,热水器)

2. 个人可以培养环保的意识, 珍惜自然资源,过简单生活。具体而言,可以购买小排量汽车或者乘坐公共交通工具;周边游不是长途游等。(细节展开)

3. 个人可以参加环保组织,做环保志愿者,宣传环保,反对有害环境的政策的出台和推广。


1. environmental pollution = environmental contamination n 环境污染

2. environmental issues = environmental problems n环境问题

3. various environment-related issues n 各种与环境相关的问题

4. live a simple life = choose a simpler lifestyle v 过简单生活

5. embark on simple lifestyle = opt for a simple lifestyle v选择简单生活

6. environmental conservation = environmental protection = environmental preservation n 环境保护

7. raise the environmental protection awareness amongst the general public v提高公众的环保意识

点评:raise = enhance = improve v 提高……

点评:awareness = consciousness n 意识

8. take public transit = take public transport v 乘坐公共交通工具

9. foster water-wise lifestyle v 培养节水的生活方式

点评:foster = cultivate = nurture v 培养……

10. reduce the use of paper v减少纸张的使用

点评:reduce = minimize = diminish v减少……

11. People should be encouraged to purchase compact cars with low emissions. 我们应该鼓励人们购买小排量的汽车。

12. treasure other natural resources v珍惜自然资源

13. There is a heated debate as to whether or not personal efforts could effectively address environmental problems. 关于是否个人努力可以解决环境污染,人们争议不断。

点评: address = resolve = tackle v解决……

14. My stand is that individual participation in greenism is definitely a worthwhile endeavor helping to protect the natural environment. 我认为, 个人在环保方面的积极参与是保护环境的一种有价值的努力。(作家立场)

点评:in greenism 在环境保护方面

拓展:To contrive and popularize cleaner cars or compact cars is definitely a worthwhile endeavor helping to protect the natural environment. 研发和普及环保汽车以及小排量汽车是保护环境的有效努力。

15. It works to encourage people to undertake their journey by taking public transport in terms of protecting our environment 鼓励公众乘坐公共交通工具是有效的环保方式(重点背诵)

点评: public transport = public transit = public transportation n公共交通工具

16. Meanwhile, every individual should be encouraged to partake of local organizations to oppose environmentally damaging policies or to work as the environmental protection volunteers. 同时,我们应该鼓励个人参加地方环保组织,反对有害环境的政策的出台,或者,鼓励个人做环保志愿者。

点评:partake of = take part in = participate in v 亲自参加……

17. It is highly recommended to spend more money on public transport such as buses, trams and subways. 政府应该投资公共交通工具,例如,汽车, 有轨电车,地铁等。


18. I re-affirm my conviction that the environmental issue is certainly relevant to each individual citizen. 我重申我的立场,环境问题和每个公民息息相关。

19. Co-operation and participation deriving from individual citizens have indispensable roles to play in safeguarding the natural environment. 每个公民的参与和努力在保护自然环境方面可以发挥不可缺少的作用。

20. Individual citizens could and should play active roles provided that we really aspire to optimize our living environment. 如果我们真的要改善我们的生存环境,个人应该也能够发挥积极的作用

点评:optimize our living environment v 改善我们的生存环境

点评:provided that = if 假如

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