

阅读 :

本期雅思写作话题为环保,讨论解决用提高油价来解决环境污染问题。题目是:The best way to solve the environmental problems is to increase the price of fuel. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 增加油料的价格是解决环境污染的最佳途径?更多雅思写作大作文话题语料及观点,请看下文。

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增加油料在改善环例如共同治理海洋污染境方面不是没有其作用。第一,交通工具的大量使用加快了全球变暖的步伐也导致了能源危机,如果油料价格上涨,购车者数量减少, 这样,噪音和空气污染减少,这就改善了环境。第二,路上交通工具的减少也会大大环境城市的交通拥堵以及缓解人类的能源危机, 人们可以享受到更加美好的生活。




1. best = preferable adj 可取的

2. feasible = viable adj可行的

3. resolve = address v解决 ……

4. increase = multiply v增加 ……

5. enhance = raise v提高 ……

6. price = expense = expenditure = cost n费用

7. improve = perfect = better = optimize = ameliorate v改善

8. environmental pollution = environmental contamination n环境污染

9. do sth in environmentally friendlier way 以更加环保的方式做

10. environmental conservation = greenism = environmental protection = environmental preservation n环境保护

11. the emission of exhaust gas n尾气的释放

拓展:exhaust gas 废气

拓展:public transport n 公共交通工具

12. release of exhausts n废气的释放

13. ruin the environment v破坏环境

点评:ruin n废墟;v破坏

14. …… is environmentally harsh adj有害环境的:

15. safeguard our surroundings 保护环境

16. give up = forgo v放弃

17. replace = take the place of = substitute v代替……

18. To develop and popularize cleaner cars could effectively ease the pollution triggered by public transport 研发环保汽车可以有效地缓解公共交通工具出行带来的污染。

19. The public should also be encourage to take public transit 应该鼓励公众乘坐公共交通工具。

20. raise the environmental awareness amongst the general public v 提高公众的环保意识。


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