
2018年雅思G类写作小作文高分范文之感谢信 旅拍照片

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You recently went on a trip with a friend and you both took some photographs. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter ask your friend to send you one of the photographs explain why you need that particular photograph and tell your friend what happened to your copy of it.


Dear Jane,

I hope you've recovered from the trip, and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

I'm just writing to ask whether you could send me a copy of the photo you took of the sun setting over the mountains on the last evening. I think you took some photos of me with the sunset in the background, but there should be one that just shows the sunset.

The reason I'm after that particular photo is that I think it would look great as the screen saver on my laptop. I'm fed up with the stock image that I've got at the moment, and I was hoping to change it for something really stunning that I had taken myself.

I did take a fantastic picture of the sunset, but somehow managed to delete it on my camera. It would be great if you could email a copy to me if you have it.

Speak soon




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