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2018年9月13日的雅思大作文真题题目是:Some people think that too much money and time have been allocated in scientific research. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?本题讨论的话题是科学研究浪费了太多的钱和时间。问题属于单边讨论-同意或不同意。





P4: 转折段2-教育也应该是投资的重点之一。



Scientific research is promised to identify and unravel mysteries about the existence of human beings and some urgent issues ranging from tangled complexity of the brain system to the ultimate truth about the existence of the universe. However, it is beyond dispute that there are issues that do plague human beings as a race such as poverty and illiteracy. Therefore, I am convinced that the colossal amount of time and money could definitely be applied to address more pressing problems at hand such as famine and ignorance.


Admittedly, cutting-edge innovations have tremendously transformed the way of our life. People all benefit from the advances made possible through medical research, from more effective chemotherapy, to vaccines that protect against deadly disease and to increased knowledge about nutrition and healthy lifestyles. However, there is little value if we invest too much on some researches that barely lead to new information about nature, the human body, or medicine.


Authorities’ investment should not be confined within the boundary of scientific researches solely. To be more specific, more than half of the world population are still living under the poverty line while an overwhelming amount of resources is drained to figure out how to send a spaceship to the Venus. Under such cases, what benefits the outer space would bring to a poor mother whose child starves and suffers from malnutrition? These problems will not likely be solved by the evolution of inventions and space exploration alone, but through joint efforts and financial funding from international aid agencies and charity groups.


Furthermore, money should be directly allocated to alleviate illiteracy in underdeveloped areas. It is a common sense that a more favourable intellectual support is helping to improve economic prospects. Compared with the costs totally funded by individuals, if governments account relevant obligations, individual economic pressure will be relieved to a large extent.


To sum up, the allocation of funds are to be allocated to other sectors beyond scientific researches, which contributes to the boon of the society as a whole.



cutting-edge 前沿的

innovation 创新发明

unravel mysteries 解密

tangled complexity 错综复杂的

address pressing problems 解决迫在眉睫的问题

benefit from 受益于

chemotherapy 化疗

vaccines 疫苗

barely 几乎不

malnutrition 营养不良

it is beyond dispute that 毫无疑问的是

not…but…. 平行结构(动词平行)


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