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2018年5月12日场的雅思写作真题已出,一起来围观。本期雅思写作大作文为一道经典的真题,话题有关:Some people think that art (such as painting and music) does not directly improve quality of people's life, so government should spend money on other areas. To what extent do you agree or disagree?相信很多考鸭备考复习雅思写作时都练习过,难度中等。但是想要获得高分,并不容易。那么,一起来看看由小站出品的雅思写作大作文范文及真题解析吧。


本题属于政府投资类话题。考试在审题时需要注意‘directly improve the quality of life’这个关键短语。换而言之,不管是艺术还是其他方面与人们的生活水平都是息息相关的。因此,建议考生在处理本篇文章论点时可以论述两方的合理性。

paragraph 1 :结合时代背景引入话题且表明自己的观点。

paragraph 2: 论述投资其他方面对于提高生活水平的重要性。

paragraph 3: 论述艺术与生活水平的直接关系。

paragraph 4: 总结上文论点,强调自己的观点。


Art has less connection with the higher quality of life, as some people contend. Therefore, they claim that government is supposed to allocate funds for other things such as public service and facilities. From my perspective, both material and spiritual needs of citizens should be satisfied as they are directly related to life quality.

On one hand, it is the social welfare and basic infrastructure funded by the authority that meet citizens’ physical demands. A good case is that sound and complete medical care system is an essential service which enables patients to receive accurate and timely treatment; apart from this, children in some poverty-stricken areas are not able to attend primary or secondary school, in which case, the state should fulfill their obligation to invest budget in compulsory education. In terms of public facilities, well-planned transportation system, spacious parks as well as libraries serve the purposes of providing a convenient and comfortable life for the masses. Considering that, policy makers who play a regulatory role in enhancing people’s living standards should regard those resources and services as the first matter of government’s agenda.

On the flip side, it is undeniable that art is the highest from of enjoyment, satisfyingindividual needs in spiritual and mental respects. A man does not live only by bread. Artistic projects such as exquisite sculptures in public exhibition centers, fine paintings in galleries and the concert of classic music in theaters do help people cultivate a better taste for arts and improve the sensitivity of beauty. What’s more, appreciating art works is deemed as an enduring solution to relieve modern people from the highly stressed work and life.

In conclusion, I agree that government should place priority on other tasks while arts deserve financial support as a person who lives in high life quality is not the one that is materially abundant but spiritually barren.(311 words)


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本文标题:2018年5月12日雅思写作真题范文解析:投资艺术的重要性 - 雅思作文_雅思写作_雅思范文


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