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为大家带来雅思写作真题范文之:社会类话题:The spread of multinational companies and globalization produce positive effects on everyone. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(2012年2月9日)话不多说,范文自取:









In the past few decades, globalization has advanced at a high speed and affected people's life in all aspects. In my point of view, globalization is a double-edged sword, bringing about enormous benefits as well as drawbacks.

There is no doubt that the trend of globalization gives a boost to the world economy. For instance, international trade, which is beneficial for all parties involved, allows a country to focus on some certain industries, and then to exchange their products with other countries. As a result, the productivity is enhanced significantly. Trade also promotes the employment of developing countries and makes it possible for people in developed countries to buy high quality goods at a fairly reasonable price. Another exmaple is the spread of multinational companies, which helps to provide fund, technology and managerial experience for developing countries.

On the other hand, globalization also causes problems and if not handled properly, these problems would lead to serious consequences. In developing countries, a large number of local companies closed down, as they were defeated in the competition with their transnational counterparts. In rich countries, we also see demonstration against globalization held by those who lost their jobs as a result of international free trade. Moreover, globalization has a negative impact on the environment in many countries, particularly those underdeveloped regions. International tourism introduced modern lifestyle and technology to local people, but meanwhile, it disturbs the peace of their life and causes severe pollution.

In conclusion, globalization has become an irreversible trend due to the increasing communication and cooperation of all countries. In the process of promoting globalization, we should also guard against the negative impact of this trend.


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本文标题:写作范文丨雅思写作真题范文库之:跨国公司的扩张和全球化的影响(2012年2月9日) - 雅思作文_雅思写作_雅思范文

