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  Study the following picture carefully and write an essay of 160-200 words in which you should

  1) describe the picture,

  2) suggest ways to control dogs out in public places, and

  3) give your own comment on it. 

  Many city residents like keeping dogs as their house pets. As the picture depicts, a lady is smiling, with a cute dog in her arms, while her husband is enjoying the pleasure with their pet. But now there are also people who complain about dogs and demand that the animals be controlled out in public places.

  It is generally believed that dogs should have rules too. Several strong measures should be taken to deal with the problem. In the first place, the local government is supposed to launch a campaign telling dog owners to pick up after their dogs. The easiest solution is for them to put the mess in a bag and then in the next rubbish bin. Secondly, the dog owners who leave a dog mess on the streets deserve to be fined heavily. Thirdly, all dogs require a license and a rabies vaccination and are allowed outdoors only on a leash. Finally, dogs must wear a muzzle in public places if necessary. Only in this way can people co-exist with the animals.

  In my opinion, I agree with the measures mentioned above. It seems to me that caring for one’s dog also means being responsible enough to control it out in public places. (202 words)


  Many city residents like keeping dogs as their house pets. As the picture depicts, … But …

  It is generally believed that … Several strong measures should be taken to deal with the problem. In the first place, … The easiest solution is … Secondly, … Thirdly,… Finally, … Only in this way can people co-exist with the animals.

  In my opinion, I agree with … It seems to me that …

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