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  Keeping pets has seemed to be in vogue for the last few years. Some people say that owners of pets only have them because they are a status symbol while others say that keeping a pet encourages people to know, care about and show love to animals. Which view do you agree with?


  Keeping a Pet Is Good for You

  Anyone who has ever loved a pet knows how much joy that relationship can bring. There is increasing scientific evidence that the unique bond we share with our pets dramatically enriches our lives, and improves our physical health and emotional well-being. Personally I hold that keeping a pet yields more benefits than drawbacks.

  Firstly, keeping a pet contributes to our general health and well-being. Loving and caring for a pet can help anyone fight depression and loneliness, since the bond with a pet helps you maintain a sense of purpose in life. A daily walk with a dog gets you out into the world on a regular basis and encourages exercise, both of which help counteract feelings of depression. Pets can be a great comfort in times of conflict or grief, since they offer unconditional affections. They often seem to know when we are sad, and they are always attentive, nonjudgemental listeners. Therefore, by reducing our stress, relieving our loneliness and depression, pets can help us prevent heart disease and improve our general well-being. Secondly, keeping a pet can teach children a sense of empathy and responsibility. Taking care of a pet encourages children to care for animals and nurture responsibilities over them. Being praised as a means of aiding the personality development of children, pet-keeping is essential for children's health development.

  In conclusion, having a pet contributes towards a person's well-being and promotes a sense of responsibility and caring towards animals among children. (245 words)


  1.Pets can provide people with comfort and friendship,but too many people treat their pets like their children,spoiling it with all the luxuries money can buy.


  2.A child who learns to care for an animal,and treats it kindly and patiently, may get invaluable training in learning to treat people the same way.


  3.A good relationship with a pet can also help in developing non-verbal communication, compassion,and empathy.


  4.Another health benefit associated with owning a pet is an improvement in mood and mental well-being.This might be the most important benefit, since many ailments are related to our attitudes and mindsets.


  5.It is true that some pet owners regard pets as a status symbol. They keep pets just wanting to show off their social status.


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