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  Is a Live Performance Always MoreEntertaining?


  It is quite a controversial issue whether attending alive performance is more entertaining andenjoyable than watching the same event on TV.There are a lot of individual factors involved sinceeach of us has different traits in personality.


  As far as I am concerned, attending a live performance isn’t always more entertaining.Firstof all, whilewe can’t deny that a live performance is more exciting for most of the time, thereare other factors thatcan make the exciting occasion less entertaining. For example, we haveto pay very high prices for tickets,and the weather can be very bad, especially for an event like afootball match. Moreover, the crowd can get so crazy under the influence of the atmosphere atthe scene that people’s lives are endangered. It canturn out to be a disaster rather than anentertainment. Conversely, watching TV can prevent all these things listed above fromhappening. We don’t have to pay any money for tickets, and we can sit on the sofa drinkingcoffee or tea, and enjoy the performance comfortably and peacefully. This is especially true ofa sports event. But of course there are certain events that don’t involve all the factorsmentioned above, such as a concert, or a play. In this case, attending a live performance issurely an exciting and unforgettable experience.


  All in all, attending a live performance isn’t always more entertaining than watching the sameevent on TV. It depends on what kind of live performance it is and our own traits of charactercan affect the choiceas well.


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