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  Most people change jobs several times in their careers, especially the young people, they keep switching companies, we call it job-hopping. For young people, sometimes changing jobs brings benefit, but the constant job-hopping hinders their reputation and interrupts daily life.


  The biggest disadvantage of job-hopping is that it brings negative affect on the trust issues. When the employer sees the resume of a job applicant, the thing he cares about most is the job experience, while if there are more than 10 different job experiences on the resume, what will the employer thinks!There is no doubt that he will be surprised and giving no chance to the guy, because he worries about the guy won’t stay long in the company.


  In addition, the constant job-hopping also interrupts the normal life. Changing a job means to find the new employer, to rewrite the cover letter and to prepare for the interview, how annoying it is. All of these take a lot of time, the new job means to restart again, the different work place needs to relocate, you need to adjust yourself.


  For most people, they need to change jobs sometimes, it is normal. But some people change jobs without further thinking, they make the rush decision, which damages their careers, so it is better to take a wise decision.对于大部分人来说,他们有时候需要换工作,这是正常的。但是一些人没有经过深思熟虑就换工作了,草率做决定,这对他们的职业是不好的,因此最好经过熟虑。

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本文标题:专四作文范文:跳槽的坏处 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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