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  Save Money or Borrow Money?

  Mentioning money, some people like to deposit it in the bank, while others like to consume it in advance. Money saved by people is mainly for: buying a house; in case of emergencies or diseases, car accidents, unemployment, earthquakes, and things like that; in case of college expenses of their children; for retirement, and so on. People believe that saving money is essential to lead a comfortable life. Having money in the baiik allows people to pay for vacations or expensive purchases like furniture or doctor bills m cash*

  With the world entering a consuming era, many people, especially young white-collars and college students, choose to borrow money. In other words, they spend money in advance _ use credit cards and pay back the loan and interest on tbe next payday. They argue that: first, they could enjoy the convenience of credit cards and purchase expensive goods by mstal^uents. Second, many banks make some preferential policies on credit cards, like sending a. gift or lowering year cost* which is a big attraction,

  On my personal level, I approve of saving money — in case of emergency, you do not need to turn to others for help, at least. And Vm opposed to the abuse of credit cards among college students. Since in most cases, parents arc their sole ftnandal sources.

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本文标题:2017英语专业四级作文范文:消费观念 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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