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  1.结构不平行例:I was able to raise my TOEFL score by studying hard and I read lots of books.当使用连词将一系列的单词联接起来的时候,应当使用词性相同或同一类型的短语。

  2.不知所云例:Many companies began using computers mouth.

  3.段落过长,不分段主语与动词一致问题She are a good friend of mine that I has known for a long time.主语和动词在数方面不一致。

  4.句子别扭We heated the soup in the microwave for too long and the shape of the container changed.措辞过长或不清。换言之,句子显得滑稽可笑。

  5.拼写错误主语、动词或宾语有问题I want to buy something for my mother that she will like it. There was a terrible accident happen yesterday.句子的基本结构有问题 缺少主语、动词或宾语,或者这些成分重复。

  6.语气与文章不符I was kind of mad at the guy who vociferated angry words at me. I have heard many wonderful things about such cosmopolitan cities as Paris, London, Tokyo, and Hong Kong and I would love to visit these cities to check them out.语气与文章其他部分不相符可能是过于正式或者太不正式。

  7.代词指代不明If people do not speak the same language, it has a greater chance of miscommunication. I intend to complete my studies in the United States because they have good programs there.代词所指代的指示词(介词所代替的名词)不清楚。

  8.过于笼统We should use our resources on Earth because the Earth is getting worse. 句子或它所表达的意思过于笼统,不能提供多少信息。

  9.动词时态错误Yesterday I will go to the store because tomorrow I needed some food.动词时态不正确检查一下是应该用现在时、过去时、将来时还是完成时等等。

  10.介词多余I would like to discuss about something important that you mentioned about to me during yesterday. We went to downtown yesterday to buy a watch. When I first came to the US, I did not have a lot of friends in here. In class, my classmate never mentioned about her husband.在表示这种意思时此单词不能与介词连用。这种情况常见于downtown,home,there,here等词。这些词语在英语中是副词而非名词,因而不能在它们前面添加介词。

  11.跑题或不相关There are many reasons to buy a car, preferably a nice  car.这个意思与okay for children to fail sometimes.所表达的意思很普通大多数人都已经知道到了,因而就没有必要再说出来。

  12.标点问题I love animals. And I like to help them. Because they are helpless. So I want to become a vet.这是一个非常普遍的问题!许多学生在句子中使用了太多的句号,尤其是当他们用手写的时候。

  13.重复冗余Personally, I believe what the newspaper prints.一种意思的表述不止一次,或者某个词语不必要。

  14.单数/复数Many year ago, dinosaur roamed the Earths.单词需要从单数变为复数,或者由复数变成单数。单数可数名词单数可数名词不能单独使用,应该将其变为复数形式或者加上限定词(a, the, my, his, her, Gary’s, no, any, 1, 3, 50, most,等等)。

  15.不要使用缩写在正式的写作中不要使用缩写形式(can’t,don’t,it’s,we’ll,they’ve等等),而应当使用单词的完整理式(cannot,do not,it is,we will,they have等等)。

  16.关联词语重复Since I want to go to a good school, therefore I am trying to raise my test scores.不能在该句的主要主语和主要动词前使用连词。

  17.句子不完整Many students have a hard time passing all the tests to getsintoscollege. For example, my friend in high school.句子没有主要主语或主要动词,因为其实它应是一个从句。这是一个非常常见的错误,修改的方法是将两个句子连接起来。

  18.不要使用get When I got home, I got tired, so I got a book and gotsintosbed. Get太不正式,意思也过于含糊,不适合用在正式的场合。应将get改为一个更加具体的单词,如become, receive, find, achieve,等等。

  19.书写难以辨认信息不正确I would like to study in America because all modern technology originated there.传的信息不正确,或者让人听起来觉得可能不正确(如果确实是正确的,应当解释为什么这样,因为读者不认为是正确的)。上述例句中,all的意思是百分之百;我们不能绝对地说每一件新东西都是从美国诞生的。为保险起见,应当使用many或most。非英语单词Computers are very helpful and advantageable.尽管看起来象个单词,其实不是,至少不是个英文单词。使用这个单词的另一种形式。

  20.选词不恰当I was late getting home because I lost my way.在这种情况下不应该使用该词可选择更好的词语或者所使用的词语与文章的总体语气不符。

  21.单词形式不当I want to creation a great web site so that I can becoming wealth.所使用的单词的形式不正确检查一下应该使用该词的名词、形容词或副词形式的哪一种。

  22.用词错误Even I don’t speak Spanish, I was able to find a bathroom in the department store. I gained a lot of pounds during vacation.用词错误或在此种情况下该词不是最佳用词。

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