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  Private schools have multiplied in China over the past two decades. Some people think that this is a good thing while others think it is not so good. What are the advantages or disadvantages of private schools?


The Advantages of Private Schools

  The past two decades have witnessed the thriving of private schools in China.Nowadays,learning institutions are no longer run solely by the state.Personally,I believe that the merits of private schools outweigh their demerits.

  A threshold advantage of private schools is that they have more freedom compared to their public counterparts in terms of choosing curriculum.Therefore,students are more likely to receive an education catering to their individual aptitudes.Furthermore,previously all schools,whether primary,high school or university,were operated by the state and this kind of uniformity has adversely affected diversity. Students are taught the same subjects regardless of their own inclinations.However,this trend may be altered by the birth and development of private schools which are equipped with ample resources. New buildings,the latest multimedia technology,larger campuses and well-paid teaching staff all contribute to a better teaching and studying environment.In addition,for students who fail to be enrolled in any public school or university,private schools are seen to be an alternative solution which enables students to pursue their study.This results in increased places for students and also more jobs available for teachers. Another factor is smaller class sizes and more individual contact with teachers.

  In the final analysis,on balance I hold the stance that the introduction of private schools is advantageous both to students and to the development of education as a whole.






  1. The development of private schools is in accordance with societal progress.


  2. Private schools are superior to public schools :in a number of respects, the main one belng…


  3. Private schools are gaining more and more impetus in recent years due to market demand in a freer economy.


  4. Students who fail to enter universities no longer have to abandon their study, instead, they can enter private schools.


  5. The increased availability of more university places for students can only be applauded.


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本文标题:2018英语专四作文题目及范文:私立学校 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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