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My Idea of a Good Student-Teacher Relationship

  My idea of a good student-teacher relationship would have to include a mutual respect on both sides.It is also important that a student can rely on the teacher to be fair and consistent in their relationship with the class.I do not believe that a good relationship depends on the level of social contact outside of the classroom, but it is a contributing factor.

  Sometimes,a teacher can cause acute embarrassment to a student in the classroom and that embarrassment can be felt by all the other students. Such insensitivity presents a hurdle in developing a good relationship. Inconsistency and not keeping promises are other areas which can make it difficult to have a good relationship.There is a marked difference between a teacher who is strict and always serious and one who is firm but tempered with a sense of humor. Students usually recognize a teacher who makes a conscientious effort to help them with their studies.

  In conclusion,building up a good student-teacher rapport is not a one-sided exercise and it is not one that will evolve overnight.It requires time,consideration and respect on both sides.When a teacher shows interest in other activities of their students,it can have a significant impact on the student-teacher relationship.(211 words)

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本文标题:2019英语专四作文范文:师生关系 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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