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  Can College Village Heads Plan Really Help?


  Due to the Grand College Enrollment Plan, thenumber of university graduates has been on theincrease since the central government startedimplementing the plan. Though the plan helpsimprove our national quality,it creates pressure forthe job markets. With so many college studentscoming out at a time, many graduates havedifficulties in finding suitable jobs. In order to create more jobs, the government encouragescollege graduates to work in villages of 28 provinces and regions with a view that ruraladministration willbe strengthened at the same time. As a result, tens of thousands collegegraduates have been appointed as village officials in the rural areas. It appears that this planhelps alleviate the pressure caused by graduate employment, but I do not think the plan willwork in the long run.


  Firstly, after serving as village officials in the rural areas for two years, the majority of thosecollege village officials will start to look for jobs in the job market again, aggravating thepressure of the job market. Some may argue that the number of those village officials whoenter the job market again is balanced by the number of new college graduates who would beappointed as village officials. The truth is that while those students have spent two years in therural areas, they do not gain enough experience in the corporate world and are likely to forgetwhat they have learnt in college. In this sense, they are not guaranteed to find decent jobsagain. Besides, when working in the rural areas, these students with higher degrees arerespected by village people, and are likely to get accustomed to feeling superior to peoplearound them. One can imagine they would probably be frustrated when they work with thosewho hold the same college degrees or even higher degrees.

  首先,在乡村工作两年之后,绝大部分的大学生继续回到市场找工作,这又增加了市场的压力。许多人认为这些回到市场找工作的村官,与新应届大学生的数量相当,这些新毕业生也将成为村官。事实上,那些在农村工作两年的学生,他们缺乏在公司的工作经验,他们很有可能也忘记了在大学学习的知识。从这一方面讲,他们没有能力找到体面的工作。此外,在农村工作的学生,受到了村民们的尊敬, 并有可能适应了那种具有优势感的生活。他们也会感到困惑,特别是,他们与拥有同等学历,或者是更高学历的人一起工作时。

  Secondly, when the supply of college graduates and the demand of our society are unbalanced,the imbalance can be obtained by increasing available jobs or decreasing the supply ofcollege graduates, which means the reduction of college enrollment. Given the fact that theeconomy slows down in the recent, it is difficult to create more jobs. While offering good termsfor graduates such as well-paid salary and residential certificate guarantee, the governmentcan create more jobs in the short term, but does not provide long-term remedy. In this sense,the plan does not solve the fundamental imbalance between the supply and the demand ofcollege graduates.


  In sum, the plan to encourage college graduates to work in the rural areas can only provide atemporary remedy for the job market. I think the government should recognize thefundamental imbalance and find the way back to elite education.


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