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  The Disadvantages of Big Class Learning


  One of my friends complains to me about his relationwith his professors saying that there is a far distancebetween the students and the faculties. As a matterof fact, this is not surprising. Due to the expandedenrollment of college students, many universities cannot find enough faculties. It has been so commonthat hundreds of students crowd in a class listeningto a professor. They seldom have enough time to communicate in private.


  As far as I am concerned, the big class learning has many disadvantages. First of all, the bigclass learning is by no means conducive to the development of the critical thinking of thestudents. The college education is still the elite education. Therefore, the quality of thegraduates is very important. They need to be competent to get a decent job in the jobmarket. The making and development of such qualities are done, most of the time, inclassroom.


  Meanwhile, the professors are playing a crucial role in moulding the soul of the students. Thebig class learning cannot manage such kind of tasks. Once the students study in a very bigclass, they may become very lazy or even play truant. As for the professors, they may not haveso much time to talk with the students since they are so many. This may lead to the seconddisadvantage of the big class learning: the gap and distance between the two parties.Originally, the college campus is the place where the professors and the students enjoy the funof doing research and pursuing the truth. They may work as one to contribute to the floweringof the scholarship.


  However,the fact is the students often feel that they are disconnected with theirdistinguished professors. The students cannot find their instructors during the time of need.The last disadvantage of the big class learning is that the whole education may get bad oreven worse. The big class learning may cause the commercialization of the education, which willbe a very serious problem.


  To sum up, the big class learning has more disadvantages than advantages. It will affect thequality of the graduates as well as the whole education cause in China. The effective measureto deal with it is to limit the enrollment of college students to make a better national education.


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本文标题:2015英语专业八级作文范文(二十) - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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