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  Money First or Knowledge First?


  Everyone knows the importance of money andknowledge.Everyone must have money to fulfill theirnecessities and knowledge to make them respectfuland help them gain money. But which one shouldbe put in the first place in the particular collegetime? Some college students set up their ownbusiness, some speculate inthe stock market, andsome start their own studios.


  Undoubtedly, those students will not only earn enough money to fend for themselves, but alsobecome fledged in the real world.However, I think college students should always concentrateon acquiring knowledge instead of seeking fortune in the particular state of our lives.


  Firstly, though knowledge can help you gain money, money can not buy you knowledge. Forthe majority of us, college time is a golden time for acquiring knowledge. Once we miss thegolden time, we will not be compensated in the future.In this particular episode of our lives,we receive allowance from our parents, are not disturbed by the chores of housework, andare assisted by experienced teachers and classmates.And I can not imagine which stage ofour lives is more favorable than this episode.The golden time for studies can be bestillustrated by a conversation with an elder friend. He established a training school years agoand did make a fortune. But he always takes me into confidence that he wants to tearhimself from thebusiness and further studies in graduate school.He also admonishes me that Ishould work harder and harder, otherwise I will regret one day.


  Secondly, while college students can make some money in college time, they can not absorbthemselves in their business wholeheartedly, which means that they are less likely to succeed inthe corporate world than those who need not worry about studies.According to collegecurricula, students have to finish some compulsory courses and selective courses.They haveto pass all required courses before getting diplomas. For some students from particulardepartments, they have to make more efforts than students pursuing otherdegrees.Accordingly, if college students run business, they will not only bear pressuresimposed by studies,but also face the fierce competition in the market. Besides, collegestudents are unfledged in comparisonwith other seasoned businessmen.Is it wise to take therisk of running business in college?


  In sum, college years is the golden period for studies in one’s life, and no one can afford tomiss it. While college students have to make efforts to earn credits, and turn out to beunfledged, they had betterconcentrate on studies.


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本文标题:专八作文范文:金钱第一还是知识第一 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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