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  Now multiple-choice test has become the major test format in and out of university. Although it is praised far its scoring efficiency and accuracy, many people still blame it for various reasons. What is your opinion about adulating this test format in university examinations? Write a composition of about 400 words on this tapir and supply a title for your composition.

  In the first pact of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In tire last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.

  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


  The Multiple-choice Test is Harmful to Students

  The multiple-choice test is a very common examinational farm, especially in mid-term and finals in university. 1Rany researchers and teachers have pointed out that to judge students' abilities reasonably, multiple-choice tests should be cancelled. But many others disagree, and they usually can produce a list of reasons as well. In my opinion, the multiple-choice test shouldn't be widely used on campus.

  First of aft, the multiple-choice test makes it convenient for students to cheat. / When students just need to answer by check a few letters or draw a few circles, students can copy their neighbour's answers wide much ease. Even if teachers separate them at much distance, students can still invent secrete codes to pass the message./For example, some students used to admit that they have made such a system: touch forehead means A. touching eyes means B, touching nose means C, and touch mouth or chin means D. there is no sense in giving a test if students can share answers so easily.

  Secondly, the multiple-choice test encourages guessing. / According to the law of probability, if there are four choices for a question, then the probability of getting the right answer by random guessing will be as high as 25 percent. Even if a person, absolutely ignorant of the knowledge of that subject, takes part in the multiple-choice test, he will get 25 percent or so right answer, only by guess. / What's worse, sometimes the teachers not so well trained in designing test papers may use some choices that are obviously wrong, and this makes the guessing even easier. E3ecause of this characteristic, some students just rely on luck instead of studying hard. A test is equally meaningless if it turns students into opportunists rather titan learners.

  Last and also the most important, the multiple-choice test cannot lest many of the important skills that are taught. / Because it just requires students to make choices, this test form can only test students' ability to recognize certain information, and it cannot test their ability to evaluate and produce information. But the latter skills are just equally, if not more, important than the skill of telling right from wrong. So, high score in multiple-choice test does not guarantee really great ability in solving real problems. With such a shortcoming, we may again question the use of this test Format.

  I agree that the multiple-choice test can bring us scoring efficiency and accuracy. As universities arc admitting more students, it should be used to ensure timely and exact feedback to students. But the above discussion also proves that this test form is not perfect. We should also bear the problems of this test Format in mind, and use it to the least degree. Only in this way can we assess students efficiently and scientifically.

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本文标题:专八作文范文:多选题的危害 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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