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  男孩女孩(boys and girls)

  boys like fighting; girls like dressing. boys like beauties; girls like handsome guys. when we talk about the taste of man, it is full of sweat smell; when we talk about the aroma of woman, it is full of sweet smell. boys always make troubles for their parents; girls always earn praise for their parents. boys always stand when they piss; no matter they make water or have a bowel movement, they squat. most of the boys have short hair, except f4; most of the girls wear braids, except “super girls”. even in hot summer days, girls always wear more clothes than boys. each month, girls feel ill at ease in that certain week; boys always have several special nights in those uncertain days. boys are called men when grow up; girls are called women when they reach maturity. women have the contraction when are delivering a baby; men are scared by their cursing. men like cheating; women are likely to be cheated. when a girl tells you she loves you, indeed; when a boy tells you he loves you, be careful!

  the reason why i am a boy is that i like what i am now. i have made a great deal with our almighty god that if i want to be a guy in next life, i should respect females and take care of them in this life.

  i am trying.

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