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  College doesn't always prepare you for life after graduation. The food, friends, and structure that you had relied on for four years are all immediately taken away from you. You are thrust into the world and tasked with the challenge of figuring out how to live on your own.

  There are any struggles that graduates face. Finding a job, finding a place to live, and figuring out how to pay the bills are just a few of the economic difficulties that alumni are forced to embrace and figure out. On a social level, graduates often need to establish a new network of friends and acquaintances. This is much more difficult than it was during the days when you could walk down your dorm hall and bump into a few friends.

  While post-college life can certainly have its struggles, there are many useful strategies to help make this transition as easy and painless as possible. Here are a few tips for recent graduates to think about as they make the transition into their adult life.

  1. Discover your passions

  Your early twenties are a time to take risks, try new things, and discover your passions. Don't worry so much about having a concrete plan, now is the time when you can experiment and find your true skills and interests. While making money immediately might seem important, your early twenties are one of the best times for exploring different career paths and planning out a roadmap for your future.

  2. Network

  Throughout your entire career, networking will be very important. One of the most important networking times in your career will be right after graduation. You are fresh in the job market, and you don't have a long resume of experience. Now is a time when connections will matter more than ever. One of the biggest benefits of being in college and being a recent graduate is that you have access to a gigantic network of like-minded people. Take advantage of your existing school network and reach out to people who went to your school. These don't have to be people you knew very well, or even people that you have much in common with. Simply having gone to the same school is usually enough of an affiliation to compel another fellow alumni to speak with you. Your alumni network is a natural resources which you can tap into to find job opportunities and connections.

  3. Be humble

  Humility is an important trait for recent college graduates. While it is important to have confidence when pursuing job opportunities, it is also important to stay humble. It is important to be aware that you don't have much experience, and to be willing to take a job that you are not fond of. Your goal as a college graduate isn't necessarily to find your dream job that will propel you into a successful future--it's just to find a job to help you get started. Most jobs will provide a lot of value for you, in terms of teaching you about the world, and teaching you what it means to have a full-time job. Don't underestimate the importance and value of learning from a company what life is like. Moreover, after graduation it is unlikely that you will know exactly what you want to do. Be willing to dive into a job that might not be a perfect fit, and learn from it.

  4. Take risks

  Your early twenties are the best time to take risks. When you are older with more responsibilities, taking risks will be much more difficult. When you are young with fewer responsibilities, however, it is easier to travel, try new things, and explore your options. Go with your gut, and be willing to take a leap. You are in a special time in your career that you might not be able to take advantage of in the future. If you have an inclination to take a risky job, move somewhere new, or deviate from your path--now is the time to do it.

  5. Be friendly

  Once you graduate college, you will no longer be surrounded by your peers at all hours of the day. Meeting new people is more challenging and requires more effort than it did during college. Because of this, it's often good to remember that being friendly is the best way to meet new people. Take interest in the lives of your coworkers and people around you, and be willing to make new connections.














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本文标题:2017英语专业八级作文话题:大学毕业赠言 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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