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  Huang Long, 22, enjoyed his stay at Heidelberg University in Germany. “I studied the most up-to-date technology and theories in the field,” says the physics major from Nankai University.


  With more and more international exchange programs sending students from Chineseuniversities abroad to get a taste of foreign culture, many of them enjoy a memorableexperience that pushes them out of their comfort zone. At the same time, China is alsobenefiting from the increased exchange of ideas, knowledge and culture.


  According to Zong Wa, deputy secretary-general of the China Education Association forInternational Exchange under the Ministry of Education, it is inevitable to have more programsthat send students abroad to engage in cultural and educational exchanges.


  “This is a part of China’s internationalization,” he says. “With the increasingly integrated globaleconomy, it’s sensible for university students to acquire a global view.”


  Zong says that most state universities in the US now require at least half of theirundergraduate students to go on exchange.


  There are similar plans for their Chinesecounterparts. Chen Jining, president of TsinghuaUniversity, says the university “hopes to send 40percent of its undergraduate students on aninternational exchange by 2015”.


  Liu Lei, an official at China Scholarship Council, citedthe government’s Outline of China’s National Plan forMedium and Long-term Education Reform and Development (2010-2020) that mentions“enhancing international exchange and cooperation” six times.


  “The basic sentiment behind encouraging more exchange programs is the centralgovernment’s determination to nurture international talents,” Liu says.


  For Huang, life will never be the same again. “I never considered furthering my study abroadbefore,” he says. “Now, I’m thinking about pursuing a master’s degree in Germany or theNetherlands. It’s not only been an eye-opener, but a life-changer.”


  Want to exchange?


  For students interested in applying for an exchange program, there are several things to remember:


  1. Exchange programs are mostly available for junior and sophomore students.


  2. The duration is usually one semester, but for joint degree programs it may be a year or two.


  3. Regularly check your school’s international office to see if there is any information regarding programs that are related to your major or personal interests.


  4. Once you’ve identified a suitable exchange program, thoroughly research the country, the city, the school and the courses you are expected to take.


  5. The application procedure is free of charge but once enrolled into the program, students have to take care of accomendation and all the daily expenses of living abroad.


  6. The target schools will look at all applications and pick the ideal candidates to go overseas, so try to tailor your resume and extracurricular activities to the requirements and style of the program.


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