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  Recent years have even seen an increasing gap between salary of public servants and workers in other professions. The meager income of some government officials has resulted in their abusing power or taking in bribes. In fact, the fund can be made available to clean officials, which serves as a good incentive of stimulating honest performance and keeping an honest record.

  Initially, the fund is aimed to provide some after-retirement guarantee to government officials financially. Public servants are responsible for providing governmental services and managing public affairs. Their responsibilities enable them to have access to different administrative powers, making corrupt behavior possible. Though being honest and clean is the basic professional ethic for public servants, the public who sincerely hope officials will be self-disciplined in their posts are willing to offer them rewards. Given this, corrupt officials will not only be punished by the law, but also lose their job-related income, that is the cost they should pay. It has been a well-practiced tradition inSingaporeandHong Kongand the results speak for its feasibility.

  In addition, setting up a reserve fund for clean officials actually reflects a new concept, which is to fight against corruption through economic means. If public servants have an honest and clean career, then they can enjoy promotions and lead honorable lives after retirement. But for those who covet petty profits, they may end up losing their reputation in the latter half of their lives. In doing so, corrupt officials will have to pay a higher price for their misbehavior. Bearing such a positive incentive in mind, civil servants will be encouraged to keep a safe distance from misconduct.

  Launching a public reserve fund has nothing to do with the so-called increasing“corruption costs”. In fact it promotes the chances of keeping a clean service record for officials as well as providing an access to an additional income from a justified source. Positive effects of this new concept have been proved in other countries’ practice, which will help tackleChina’s corruption problem.

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本文标题:2017专八作文范文:诚信的官员应该得到回报 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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