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  Heroism Should Be Advocated

  Almost twenty years ago, Lai Ning, a primary school pupil, sacrificed his life fighting against a devastating forest fire in his hometown. Since then, Lai has been regarded as an example for the youths, and his heroic deed was publicized nationwide. Some contend that when facing natural disasters, children, as a vulnerable group, should be protected rather than encouraged to shoulder the risky responsibility of adults. As far as I'm concerned, heroism should be advocated.

  First of all, priority should be given to moral education as the country need s talented citizens with a good sense of morality. Today, the complex social environment makes us feel sorry that people become indifferent to the misfortune of others. We almost lose confidence in the face of deteriorating social morals. There is nothing wrong in arguing that safety should come first, yet we should not go so far as to overemphasize it as a total replacement for all the traditional virtues of sacrificing one’s own interests for the sake of others. After all, such cherished qualities mean a lot to our society. Under such circumstances, traditional virtue has become quite important. If we highlight children’s self-protection awareness, children and adolescents may be conditioned to become self-centered and eventually turn a blind eye to misconducts. This could have severe consequences for our society.

  In fact there are no essential contradictions between self-protection and acting heroically. The correct action should be to strengthen moral education through using a hero as a symbol, while simultaneously learning from the practice of other countries, namely including self-protection education in the school curriculum. Children should learn to take care of their safety and act wisely in the case of an emergency. It is society’s duty to protect children’s life and safety while developing their moral standards. We can never afford to ignore the two aspects.

  For centuries, the Chinese people have been encouraged to fight back against crimes and help out with emergencies in a selfless manner. The Chinese often regard those who act bravely for a just cause as heroes. Children and youngsters in primary and middle schools are taught to learn from this kind of heroic behavior as an important part of their moral education. So we should never forget to advocate heroism.

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