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  另外、有时题口会要求大家自己给作文拟一个标题。这个标题应该做到简洁明了,最常用的技巧有共个,一是用短语的形式明确文章的topic ( 如On the benefits of interview),二是用问题的形式表明题目的要求(如Is interview beneficial to the recruitment process?),三是用一句话的形式写出文章的中心思想(如Interview is beneficial to the recruitment process)。这些方法同样适用于其他三类题目。

  As more and more students are admitted into universities, campus discipline has become a hot topic. Some universities adopt a very strict approach, banning such behaviors as skipping classes, eating breakfast in classroom, leaping classroom in the middle of a class, along with some too intimate behaviors between student losers. Some students pretest that these requirements are not suitable, for they are no longer high school students who need close supervision. What do you think of this problem'?

  Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic:

  In the first pact of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In tire last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.

  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

  Sample Writing:

  My opinion on Campus Disciplines

  In recent years, universities in China tried to admit more students. While meeting public demand for higher education, these universities are usually troubled with various problem behaviors on the students' part, such as skipping classes, eating breakfast in classroom, and even too intimate behavior between student lovers. To deal with these problems, many universities carried out mere strict disciplines. /Though many students are against them, I believe these disciplines are necessary and helpful.

  First, these disciplines are necessary to establish a proper environment for teaching and learning. Teaching and learning are tough mental activities that require great concentration, if students eat breakfast in the classroom, they cannot pay complete attention to study at the same time. If students move in and out of classroom as they wish, the teacher and other students will definitely he interrupted. /Besides, learning is also a long term process. If students skip classes frequently, they will not get a complete understanding of the knowledge system of the course, thus unable to learn the course well.

  Second, these disciplines are necessary to prepare students for their  future career. Many students are not aware that there are very strict disciplines concerning one's behavior in the work place. If they do not cultivate proper mentality towards disciplines at university, they will not be used to disciplines in the Future; and this will be a potential threat to their success./1 learned from a friend that a graduate from a key university was fired because he had not followed the company's discipline of not coming to office late, and lee admitted that he had been late for class frequently when he was at university, It can be seen from this example that if students do not cultivate a sense of discipline at school, they will have various failures in store for them.

  Finally, strict campus disciplines arc also necessary for the sound development of the society. Those who are against disciplines on the oasis of personal freedom have a serious misconception about right and freedom. Being art adult does not mean you can do anything you like without caring about others' interests. If universities cannot dissolve this misconception before their graduation, these students may very possibly develop into people without due respect for law and regulations, and this may pose potential threat to the country's effort of build a law-abiding society.

  From the above analysis, we can see that campus disciplines are indispensable. It can create environment to ensure educational quality, prepare students for future job market, and help cultivate a law-abiding society. /So we have every reason to call for more strict disciplines.

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