

阅读 :



  A thought-provoking dialogue between the mother elephant and her own child appears in the first picture. Having growing his teeth, the young elephant is eager to share the exciting news with his mother. However, after repeating his words several times, there is still no response coming from the mother. Meanwhile, the attractive caption in the second photo reads: no trade, no kill.

  The above pictures unveil a hazard posed to wildlife due to the expanding scale of world commercial hunting. At least two fundamental factors could contribute to this phenomenon. The industry of commercial hunting have undergone a booming expansion (along with the growing public awareness of the merits of wildlife, which makes/), making hunting unusually profitable. Worse still, lacking knowledge regarding the significance of ecological balance, some people take the gun to chase animals insatiably (and thus cause a severe threat to all life in the world). Apparently, this trend will surely in turn endanger humankind in the long run.

  (On no account should we turn a blind eye to such things.//All these factors above make it crucial to take drastic measures to protect the wildlife.) Accordingly, governments all over the world are supposed to unite to work out effective measures against commercial hunting. Additionally, people should be educated from childhood to cultivate the awareness that we and the rare wild animals share the same precious planet. I do believe a harmonious relationship between the wildlife and human beings is awaiting us if we make every effort to promote wildlife protection both nationally and internationally.

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本文标题:2018专八写作范文:动物保护 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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