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  Advertisements appear everywhere in modern society.There are many way to advertise and ads come in different forms.Newspapers and billboards carry advertisements; some products are announced on TV and radio which have a wide audience.

  Advertising is a big industry and many agencies are set up for furnish a variety of services for it.

  However, advertising is not welcome sometimes.A most irritating thing is to watch advertisements before and during films on TV.There are so many of them that they make you forget what you are sitting there for. The ironical thing is that advertisements of one type of things are often shown one after another so that you are confused as to which product you should choose.What’s more,advertising is not always truthful.The advertisers exaggerate the benefits of the merchandise they want to sell in order to gain more profits.Thus the consumers fall victim to such advertising.

  Although there are disadvantages of ads,we can not forget the advantages and the conveniences they bring to us.First,by telling us where something is available,they may save us money and time.They guide us in finding suitable jobs and other information as well. Secondly, a wide range of activities and institutions receive financial support through advertising.Without this support we would have to pay much more for newspapers and sports games.Thirdly,perfect advertisements even provide entertainment.A considerable amount of effort goes into their production.So in most cases the photography is truly artistic, the slogans are genuinely witty,and the situations are decidedly funny.

  Generally speaking,advertisements have become one of the most authoritative voices speaking to us today.Let us make our life easier by learning to choose proper ads,and be the master of advertisements, not their salve.

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本文标题:2018专八写作范文:对广告的看法 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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