

阅读 :
  1 意识到问题是一回事/还只是开始(第一步),对我们来说更重要的是怎样(解决/处理问题)这一步/的问题……
  (e.g. Awareness of the harmfulness of superstition is only the first step, but more important to our nation is the step of how to clear it out of our society.)
  2) There is no easy (perfect/universal/two-bird-one-stone/happiest) method (short-cut/solution/remedy/way) at hand, but...can put us on the right way (in the correct direction) to our final goal/destination (...are/is worth trying out in our work.)
  2? 要实现我们的最终目标/要达到我们的最终目的,没有现成的简易(完美/万能/一石 二鸟/最顺心)的办法(捷径/出路/药方/方法),我们只有……才能踏 上通往目标的正途(只 有……才是我们开展工作的可行办法。)
  (e.g. There is no easy short-cut to removal of superstition, but the following measures/suggestions can put our determination in the right direction.)
  3) There is no better/sounder time to take steps/measures/action than right now, for no chance will be greater than the one we are offered.
  3? 要采取行动,没有比现在更好/更适宜的时机,因为我们现在拥有的机会是我们能得 到的最好机会。?
  4) It is obvious (evident/clear/no surprising/high time/hoped/suggested), therefore, that all-out (constant/great/cooperative/further/genuine/substantial/considerable/persistent) efforts should be made (exerted/used/bent/put forth) to ...(或should be directed to.../focused on...)
  4? 因此,很显然(显而易见/很清楚/不足为奇/正是时机/人们希望/有人建议),为……我们应该全力以赴(坚持不懈/加大力度/积极合作/进一步努力/真正努力/切实努力/大力/ 作出不懈努力)。
  (e.g. It is evident, therefore, that constant efforts should be directed to the ecological balance.)
  5) Therefore/Obviously/No doubt/Clearly, not a(n) goal/aim to achieve in one step/move/go(或is no easy job/task), and to achieve in one stp/move/ go(或is no easy job/task), and it requires/involves/entails special/proper/all possible means/efforts/measures/remedies.
  5? 因此/显然/毫无疑问/很显然,……不可能一蹴而就/一步登天(绝不是一项简单的工 作/任务),这要求/需要特殊的/适当的/所有可能方式/努力/措施/补救办法。
  (e.g. Therefore, to eradicate this inherent weakness from our society is not a goal to reach in one move, and it requires special efforts.)
  6) When/If asked to...I would like to.../would rather (not).../will do as follows.
  6? 当/如果有人问(要求)……,我想……/宁愿(不)……/将这样……
  (e.g. If asked to find the way out of the danger these depraved practices have created, I would rather live a simple life than go along with any others in their evil deeds.)
  7) To...I might as well cite my own experience.
  7? 为了……我不妨引述一下自己的经历。
  (e.g. To draw out of others more valuable opinions upon the problem, I might as well cite my own experience.)
  8) If I were thrown/put/involved in (to) the context/background/situation/the state of making my choice, I would...
  8? 如果我被置于/处在/置身于可以由我自己来选择的情况/背景/情形/状况下,我会……
  (e.g. If I were thrown into the freedom to make my choice among the styles of surviving, I would live like this:...)
  9) Faced with/Hit with...I resolve/propose to...
  9? 在……面前/遇到……时,我决定(决心)/建议……
  (e.g. Faced with the challenge from the future life, I resolve firmly to perfect myself in the aspects as follows.)
  10) As far as I am concerned, I will/have/would...
  10? 关于我,我将/已经/会……

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