

阅读 :

  1) Another (good/ideal) case in point is that of...
  (e.g. Another ideal case in point is that of rowing against current.)

  2) To the already well-known/familiar examples/cases of..., another may/can be added:...
   (e.g. ...of things turning out contrary to one's wishes, another can be added: A great invention in medicine leads to a sharp increase in the average span of human life. But on the other hand, it turns out to overburden the food supply of the world.)
  例:关于事与愿违的实例除了……以外,不妨再举一个:一项伟大的医药发明大大延长了人们的寿命。但另一方面,它给世界带来了沉重的粮食负担 。

  3) As another illustration/example, let's take/see (the case of)...
  (e.g. As another illustration, let's see the case of swimming in an ocean.)

  4) A very similar case/example/story can be cited/told from...
  (e.g. ...from the modern military history of China.)

  5) Perhaps it will suffice to mention another example/case/story of..., which unfolds as follows:...
  (e.g. ...of an unbridgeable gap between ideal and reality, which unfolds as follows: A woman was speaking to her friend about her two beaus. “If I could combine their qualities, I'd be the happiest person in the world. Ronald is rich, handsome and witty but unwilling to propose marriage to me. Tony, compared with the first, is outshone but he is eager to marry me.”)
  例:也许再举一个关于理想与现实之间不可逾越的鸿沟的例子……,就是:一个女人跟她的朋友谈论她的两位情人。“如果能把他们俩的优点合而为 一,那我将是世界上最幸福的人了。罗纳尔德富裕、英俊,聪明过人,但不愿向我求婚。托尼与之相比逊色多了,但迫不及待地要跟我结婚。”

  6) It is only by/through...that...
  (e.g. It is only by adapting oneself to a new environment that he is more likely than others to survive in it.)

  7 ) From the exemplifications above, it turns out that...
  (e.g. From the exemplifications above, it turns out that the power of determined will enables one to find some way out of any difficulty.)

  8) As the foregoing turns out, it matters not...but...
  (e.g. As the foregoing turns out, it matters not what color your cat is but once it catches mice, it must never be one of the bad.)

  9) Indeed, the evidence upon all sides justifies/confirms/supports/points to/is in favor of the truth/view/maxim that...
  (e.g. ...that failure teaches success.)

  10) Judging from all evidence offered/From what has been mentioned above, we may reasonably/safely arrive at/come to/reach/draw/deduce/assert the conclusion that...
  (e.g. ...that a just cause enjoys abundant support while an unjust cause finds little.)

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