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 Topic 1 College students are being encouraged to do volunteer work in western China. Is it really worthwhile to spend a year or two volunteering in an underdeveloped region? Write an essay of about 400 words to state your view. In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what, you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. 范文呈现 Volunteer Your Time Faced with the question whether it is worthwhile to spend a year or two voluntee ??ring in western China, many college students would probably shake their heads, seeing it as a waste of valuable learning time. However, I will give an affirmative answer without hesitation, because this experience can apparently benefit us in many ways. First, it is a great opportunity for us to apply the knowledge we have acquired at college. Different from temporary part-time jobs, a longer volunteer work experience is truly fulfilling and rewarding. As English majors, we can learn to use and teach the language effectively in real classes; as education majors, we can experiment with those textbook theories in helping manage a school or instruct the younger; those who study engineering can take this chance to turn their ideas and skills into running machines, new bridges and broad roads. From this experience, we will better understand our schoolwork and even build up considerable expertise in our chosen fields. Second, we can gain a great sense of satisfaction by making contributions in an underdeveloped region. Right now, the western China is suffering from both the short ??age of resources and that of talents in its course of development. If we can step into the needed roles by simply sacrificing a year or two, we will be able to make some differ??ence to the situation as a whole. Imagine how proud you will be when telling your fami??ly and friends how you have taught the illiterate to read, and how you have helped to change the look of a backward town. Compared with the great sense of pride you feel, a year's time is just a small price to pay. Third,we can establish a deep friendship with local people. On the one hand, if you truly love and help the people you work with, they naturally love and help you back. Take a senior I know for example, who served two months as a teacher in a dry northwestern town. During the period of water shortage, both his students and their parents voluntarily kept water for him, sometimes despite their own need. Recalling his days there, he said they were not easy but he could not help missing them. Probably many volunteers would feel the same as him. While we are giving care, support and help, we often get back more including a lasting friendship. Therefore,I will readily sign up to volunteer in the western China despite various challenges I may meet. Think of the differences we can make there and the changes this experience can make to us, why not walk out of the ivory tower and step onto the promising land of our country?

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本文标题: 2012年英语专八作文预测及范文(1) - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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