
【托福写作备考】3个论证方法 让你搞定托福写作

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1. 原理论证法:


E.g. Successful people try new things and take risks rather than only doing what they already know how to do well. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

例文:The most crucial reason why businessmen must take risks is that consumer' demands for something new and innovative will never diminish, especially in fashion and entertainment industries. 【分论点 本段主题句】A once-considered fashionable outfit might go out of style within months or weeks because of the rapid shift of trends. Therefore, to keep up with the consumers' wants, companies are forced to squeeze out unique ideas and often make bold moves. 【原理论证,进一步剖析为什么要冒着风险创新的缘故原由】Also, the reason why most songs on billboard charts never stay for more than two months is that people keep looking for something new. 【原理论证,进一步剖析为什么要冒着风险创新的缘故原由】

2. 举例论证法:


E.g. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising can tell you a lot about a country. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

例文:It is well known that governments use all kinds of strategies, like laws, regulations, and educational media campaigns, to control and guide a country. Thus, public-interest advertisements that are sponsored by the government undoubtedly reflect a nation’s thoughts. 【分论点 本段主题句】For example, in 2003, when SARS appeared in China, SARS-prevention advertisements were produced and broadcast all over the country via television, radio, and even the Internet. By watching them, you can see the nation’s strong will and determination to win the battle against this disease. 【举例论证,举出详细事例来支持看法】In 2008, also in China, the themes of most public- interest advertisements have shifted to the Olympics. By watching them, you can realize the nation’s priorities this year without any difficulty.【举例论证,举出详细事例来支持看法】

3. 对比论证法:


E.g. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students are more influenced by their teachers than by their friends. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

例文:To begin with, students are more likely not to divulge their troubles or miseries to their teachers. Instead they turn to their friends for advice. 【分论点 本段主题句】 The advice they get from their friends turn out to be very important and helpful. For one thing, the teacher may do not have enough time to solve the problem, for another , maybe there exist a gap between teachers and students so that the students hardly perceive the teachers being a candidate to help them. 【对比论证,同样是追求资助建议朋侪和先生的不同和区别 两方对比来论证】For example, I confronted a problem when I was a high school student, what I did was just to ask my classmates for help directly rather than my teacher. 【举例论证,举出详细事例来支持看法】Even if that time I have had told my teachers, they would have neglected my annoyance due to their busy work schedule.【对比论证,同样是追求资助建议,朋侪和先生的不同和区别,两方对比来论证】 Friendship during school time was so precious and firm that it would never be forgotten.

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本文标题:【托福写作备考】3个论证方法 让你搞定托福写作 - 托福范文_托福考试作文


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