
2019中考英语复习资料:A Report on Weekend Activities

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  中考英语作文整理了《2019中考英语复习资料:A Report on Weekend Activities》,供同学们参考。

  A Report on Weekend Activities

  Since the regular school- running policy was performed, the students now have more free time on Saturday and Sundays. So the English Club in our school invited me to do an investigation on how the students spend their weekends. I find that almost half of the students study by themselves at home.About 25% of them prefer to watch TV or listen to music. 20% of them like to chat onlinne or play computer games, while 10% of them of tehn help their parents do housework. Only a small number of them go in for sports or travelling.

  In my opinion, all of us students should have a proper plan for our weekends. We should make good use of our time, learning more knowledge, developing our interests,...We should also learn to relax, but I don't think it's a good idea to spend too much time watching TV , chatting online or playing computer games.(124 words)




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本文标题:2019中考英语复习资料:A Report on Weekend Activities - 中考英语作文_中考英语作文万能句子_中考英语作文范文


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