
新概念:态度决定命运 十招教你变幸运

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  新概念英语第三册Lesson34中的那位Frank Halliday童鞋真是太幸运了,竟然在古玩店里用低价买到了Correggio价值连城的画作。很多人可能会说:哎呀,我是不会有他那么幸运的啦~机会是给有准备的人的!文化大爆炸教你十招变幸运,态度决定命运哦!

  Expect to Be a Winner 有成功的信念

  The first step to a winning attitude is to expect to win.


  For example, if you have a job interview, imagine that you've already gotten the job. You'll find yourself less nervous, more confident and performing better in the interview, making it more likely that you'll actually get a job offer.


  Making Time for Yourself 享受单独的时光

  Lucky people tend to listen to their intuition, which helps them to avoid bad situations and maximize good opportunities.


  You can develop your intuition by taking some quiet time for yourself, when you can think and reflect. Meditation, long bubble baths, walks in the woods, fishing, and prayer are just a few of the pastimes that can give you time for quiet contemplation.

  你可以花一些时间来安静地独自思考,这可以提高自己的直觉。 比如说冥想,泡个悠闲的澡,在树林里散步,祷告,这些都是你可以在独自思考时做的事。

  Look for the Silver Lining 看到事物的闪光点

  Unlucky people have the same amount of bad luck that lucky people do. The difference is that lucky people tend to find ways to turn bad luck to their favor.


  Take an example of someone who trips on the sidewalk and twists her ankle. An unlucky person would probably take that as an example of yet another piece of bad luck. A lucky person would probably say that it shows how lucky she is that she didn't break her ankle or worse.


  Let Bad Luck Slide Off You 让霉运绕过你

  Another difference in the ways that lucky and unlucky people handle bad luck is that lucky people think that bad luck is only temporary, whereas unlucky people think that they are doomed to more bad luck. Remind yourself that good luck always follows bad.


  Try New Things 尝试新事物

  There's a saying that the definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. If you want to improve your luck, you should try new experiences and see how you like them. Everything new that you try is a new opportunity to become luckier.


  Be Alert for New Opportunities 重视新机会

  Some people get so focused on the task at hand that they totally fail to see the lucky opportunities around them. There was an experiment. People were asked to flip through a newspaper and count the number of pictures in the paper. The people were so intent on counting the pictures that they failed to notice a full-page ad saying that if they mentioned it to the researcher, they'd get cash on the spot.

  有些人太注重眼前的事物而完全忘记了观察在自己周围的幸运机会。 有这么一个实验,参加试验的人们被要求浏览一份报纸,然后计算报纸中出现的图片数量。人们由于过于专注计算图片的数量而忽略了一个占了一整版的广告。广告上说:如果你告诉测试人员你看到了这个广告,你将会当场得到现金的奖励。

  Take Steps to Improve Your Life 为更好的生活做出努力

  Unlucky people tend to blame their unhappiness on bad luck. Lucky people take active steps to improve their situation. No matter how unlucky you feel, there are always things that you can do to improve your situation.


  Reject Superstitions 不搞迷信

  It may seem funny to slam superstitions in an article about improving luck, but the fact is that many people rely on superstitions instead of taking steps to improve their lives. Lucky people don't rely on superstition, but rather on working smarter.


  Let Go of Your Anxieties 远离焦虑

  Unlucky people often have trouble letting go of the things that worry them. They spend so much time worrying that they lose sleep and spend a lot of time anxious and nervous. That level of anxiety saps energy and makes it difficult to be effective.


  Live in the Present 活在当下

  Unlucky people often dwell on mistakes of the past. Lucky people, on the other hand, look to the future. They don't waste time or energy beating themselves up about things that they can't change.


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本文标题:新概念:态度决定命运 十招教你变幸运 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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