

阅读 :


  ——By Howard Johnson

  “M” is for the million things she gave me,
  “O” means only that she's growing old,
  “T” if for the tears she shed to save me,
  “H” is for her heart of purest gold,
  “E” is for her eyes, with love-light shinning,
  “R” means right, and right she'll always be.
  Put them all together, they spell “Mother”,
  A word that means the world to me.


  M 代表她给予我百万样东西,
  O 意味着她渐渐老去,
  T 是她为育我成人而洒落的颗颗泪滴,
  H 寓意她那金子般至纯至真的心灵,
  E 是她那双闪耀着慈爱之光的眼睛,
  R 使我坚信她永远正确无误的言行。


  美国抒情诗人霍华德·约翰逊(1887 - 1941)的这首小诗将“母亲”的形象惟妙惟肖地刻画在读者眼前。作者巧妙地将“mother”一词中的每一个字母和单词联系起来,并描绘出母亲的典型特征,既寓意深刻又耐人寻味。正是平凡的母亲用青春、泪水、心血和关爱给了我们鲜活的生命、丰富的生活和广阔的世界,才使得我们在忙碌之余、在匆匆之中,时时被心中对母亲的牵挂、惦念和感恩温暖着、鼓舞着。

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